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Re: Course Registration – Business Analyst (BA) & Product Manager



From: HITECH AMERICAS <info@hitechamericas.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 6:17 PM
To: info@hitechamericas.com <info@hitechamericas.com>
Subject: Course Registration – Business Analyst (BA) & Product Manager Training. 100% Job Skills for USA Market



6463278442 – shez1.usa@gmail.com

You just submitted request to register for the following online course:

Business Analyst (BA) & Product Manager Training. 100% Job Skills for USA Market

Ref: https://hitechamericas.com/training/

On: March 6, 2024, 6:17 pm

Next, please proceed with paying the course fee $500 online (includes materials, training & certificate).

Payment Options:

1) Visa Debit/Credit/Paypal https://hitechamericas.com/payment/

2) Zelle or Venmo to phone number: 6463278442

Please forward your payment receipt in reply to this email, so we can confirm your registration and then share the training schedule and materials



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